Items of Interest

RFQ number SRS/TAMRF B000019 Q&A

  • Question:
    The RFQ cover page indicates that the proposal is due on Friday, February 28, 2020; however, on page 3 it states the due date is Thursday, February 28, 2020. Since February 28, 2020 is a Friday, just confirming that the due date is Friday, February 28, 2020?
  • Answer:
    The proposal due date is Friday, February 28, 2020.

  • Question:
    What is the Foundation’s preferred timeline for audit planning, any interim work and for year end field work?
  • Answer:
    Preferred scheduling of planning meeting is latter half of June; any interim work to be performed during last week of July or first week of August; year-end field work to begin September 21st and conclude by October 16th.